Do you limit the amount of time you allow your kids to spend on the computer or internet? It wasn't an issue up until recently when my kids created facebook accounts and began a new game called FarmTown. I notice alot of their friends and even my friends are in farm town. I frequently hear them talking about farm animals that have been sent to them and how cool this or that farm is. It's easy to spend hours on the computer and not even realize how long you have been on it. Just wondering what other parents have setup for guidlines on the computer.
1 Response
  1. putz86 Says:

    I too am an addict to certain games such as FarmTown or Mafiawars on facebook and myspace. Individual sites such as darkthrone and bootleggers. I currently play World of Warcraft and Sims 3. But I've been a very avid gamer for a long time. It's all about moderation. Good guidelines to follow is setting a time frame they are allowed on. If someone doesn't get to finnish what they need to do within it, it is up to the parent to decide whether to permit more or not. For example World of Warcraft has a "Parent Control" part to the account and you can put the date and time frames they are allowed to log in and for how long. There are also programs out there that can regulate what children do on the computers and for how long they can be logged in on windows. (it's great to setup different accounts on windows, that way everyone can maintain there own documents, desktop etc. Well I hope this helps.

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